February 8, 2009

February News

2-1 The snow and ice did not prevent 28 of us from worshipping this Sunday. The sermon title was: Treading, Swimming, Walking. Pastor Dave spoke about how we spend seasons of our lives treading, swimming, and every now and then walking on water. Woodhead's donated the wreath to our new fellowship hall.

2-8 Derek, Micah and Josh presented a skit regarding Week of Compassion. We had a potluck after church. Estille and Faye won the first mini-cornhole tournament!

2-15 We will be collecting an offering for Week of Compassion next week. These funds are pooled to address needs in our world such as the recent ice storms, the tragedy on the gulf coasts, typhoons in the far east and elsewhere. Please give over and above your regular offering. We will also be welcoming Carol Cole who will be bringing special music.

2-22 Please welcome Peggy Hickman our guest minister for this Sunday.