July 19, 2009

August Events

8-2 Guest Speaker Dennis Gosney - Lunch at Blackberry after church
8-9 Special Music - Carol Cole, No Potluck and Meeting
8-16 Pendleton County Cooperative of Churches gathering by the Griffin Center 2pm. Hot Dogs and chips will be for sale. There will be a homemade ice cream contest and a cornhole tournament. Entry for cornhole will be nonperishable food items for St. Vincent's or a financial contribution.

July 8, 2009

Family Fun Night

Lexington Homeschool friends visiting Morgan. They caught a snake, turtle and over 200 crawdads in the South Licking!

Lois Wilson teaches Phase 10.

Ladies playing Euchre.

New sports equipment -- thanks LeCrones!

July 3, 2009

Family Fun Night

Tonight 7pm basketball, corn hole and Euchre. Bring a snack to share. The debut of the Morgan Christian Church Movie will be at 8:30pm and Kung Fu Panda will play at 9pm.

6 Year Old Xavier Wade

Keep our neighbor 6 year old Xavier in your prayers. His leg was cut in a lawn mower accident. Pictures and updates are here. You may have to log in.