The message this week was on caring for each other. We were blessed to have Rick, Cathy, Daniel Stephanie and Lilly fill up a whole row at church. We also enjoyed having Jimmy's friends Ken, April and Caitlin (below). Next Sunday we will have special music -- Dinah and Elaine will be leading the worship with dulcimers. There will also be two songs during the sermon time. Expect a lot of music this coming Sunday and invite a friend!

Micah and Josh interviewed Estille and Gloria during Sunday School. In addition to Estille and Gloria, the boys had a litle toad named Bo visit in Sunday School.

Mariah, Daniel, Josh and Micah played a new game called Steal the Dove after our luncheon. Thanks Mariah for helping arrange the flowers. Also, our neighbors Dale and Regina had the Wus over to their campfire. Dale and David played guitar and sang until late.