On June the 1st, 6 year old Xavier Coffel was chasing his dad up a hill to ask him for a ride on a the riding lawnmower. Tragically, the mower lost traction on a hill just as Xavier fell severely injuring his left foot. He was airlifted to the hospital and has had multiple surgeries since the accident. The Coffels had only recently moved to Kentucky. They have received immense support from neighbors on Eagle View, but continue to struggle for the stability they had before the accident.
In May Richard Harrington was diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer in the lungs, liver and stomach. He was given 7-10 days to live and sent home with hospice care. Richard fought valiantly and shared his love with friends expecting a quick departure. Nevertheless, four months later, Richard lives, though he continues to weaken. Since hospice has withdrawn, his family has become emotionally, financially and physically depleted in showing their love and care for him. They are currently looking at moving into a 2-3 bedroom apartment with 3 teenagers, plus Richard to care for. Options for nursing home care have not looked good.
We will be having a yard sale, baked goods and a hot dog lunch all to benefit these two beautiful families. There will be a baked good auction at 1pm. We also plan to have corn hole, basketball and music. The event will take place at 88 Morgan Berry Rd from 9am to 2pm on Saturday August 22nd. Please spread the word and consider bringing a baked good and some items to sell. We will be collecting items in the fellowship hall. If you would like to donate a baked good, or items for the yard sale contact Pastor David at 859-559-8483.