March 5, 2010

Church Update

Spring is almost here! Don't forget to spring forward next week. There will be a potluck, a meeting and special music on March 14th. We will be bowling on the 20th in Cynthiana. Youth who have been attending will bowl for free. We have been averaging in the 30's for our worship attendance. Last week we had 30 in Sunday School alone. Steve Wood is leading the new class which has had Rob and Jennifer Braun, April and Ken LeCrone, Tony and Kelly Maxedon, Buddy and Connie Hannah, Steve and Lois Work, David and Julie Wu, Kathie Moreland, Donnie Dedden, Randy Godman and Dawn Wood in attendance. Amber Work has been teaching the kid's class. Last week the kids drew Christian symbols which Amber drew in henna on their hands and arms.

Micah and David will be helping the first ever Fellowship of Christian Athletes Skate Tour which will be from March 29-April 1.