Thanks to Steve and Dawn Wood who organized the trash pick-up on Morgan Four Oaks Rd. on Saturday. Our crew included Buddy, Connie, Kelly, Tony, Carlee, Ken, April, Courtney, Josie, Steve, Lois, Mason, Josh and David. Thanks also to Randy for the equipment support. We spent about an hour and a half picking up trash, and about two hours afterwards visiting and eating pizza. In church we recognized our first two female elders: Gloria Vaughn and Kathie Moreland! We also installed Buddy Hannah, Connie Hannah and Lois Work as new deacons. It was exciting seeing more than 60 people in worship. On Sunday afternoon we enjoyed the Disciples Annual Picnic. 3-4-1 and Kelly, Micah and David brought the music. Charlie brought "Hillbilly golf" and April organized the badminton games. It was a fun time.
7/31 Skateboard ministry trip to Grove City/ Baby Shower in the Fellowship Hall (Alex and Brandi in charge)
8/7 Jason and Sarah's Wedding 3:30pm
8/8 Meeting after church, then pig roast at the Godman's
8/9 Canoe Trip - $15 a person see David for more info